Apart-Style Suites
Cleveland Suites + Extended Stay Hotel
These fully furnished, apartment-style guestrooms prove ideal for travelers looking for more space over an extended period of time. Highlights include private bedrooms, washer and dryers as well as large living rooms perfectly suited as a gathering place for traveling families. Pair all the benefits found in a vacation rental condo with an idyllic location and all the Kimpton-style amenities and services you’ve come to know and love for a truly memorable stay.
Our apartment-style guestrooms include:
- Fully-furnished 1 or 2 bedroom apartments
- Separate living area
- Fully-equipped kitchen
- Daily housekeeping service
- In-room washer and dryer units
- Communication accessible features are available upon request
For weekly to monthly rates, please reach out to Jena Salupo at sales@theschofieldhotel.com or at 440-730-5667
*In-room amenities differ per guestroom. See details below for amenities by guestroom type.
One Bedroom Units

The Hero Suite
The Hero Suite is 745 square feet with one bedroom featuring a king bed.
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Hero Suite Floor Plan
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The Zen Suite
The Zen Suite is 705 square feet with one bedroom featuring a king bed and a den space with a peloton bike.
Two Bedroom Units

The Schofield Suite
The Schofield Suite is 1960 square feet with two bedrooms each featuring a king bed.
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Schofield Suite Floor Plan
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The Rockefeller Suite
The Rockefeller Suite is 1490 square feet with two bedrooms each featuring a king bed.
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Rockefeller Suite Floor Plan
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The Family Suite
The Family Suite is 705 square feet with two bedrooms, one with a king bed and one with a bunk bed.
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Family Suite Floorplan
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